Cookies Policy

Last Updated: June 6th 2023


This Cookies Policy sets out the way in which Shooriboom Holdings Ltd, a company registered in Cyprus under registration number HE437847, with its registered office address at 14 Lapithou, Office 014, Ground Floor, Engomi, 2410, Nicosia, Cyprus, ("we" or "us" or “our”), uses cookies on our website ("Website").

It is important for you to understand how cookies and other similar technologies (collectively referred to as “cookies”) are used on our Website. Cookies serve a variety of functions, like helping our Website function and allowing us to understand how you use our Services. This Cookies Policy shall be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy.

When you access this Website, our cookies were sent to your web browser and stored on your computer. By using our Website, you agree to the use of cookies and similar technologies.

Our Cookies Policy details:

·         what are cookies;

·         the main cookies that we use, and the purpose we use them for;

·         options for managing cookies; and

·         other useful information about cookies.

We process personal data obtained through the use of cookies for the Purposes/Activities and on the legal basis as set out in the Privacy Policy.

Section 1 – What are cookies?

1.1.     Cookies are small text files stored on your device when you visit certain websites. We use cookies to collect information about webpages visited and content viewed by you, links and buttons clicked, URLs visited before and after you visit our Website. This allows us to recognise a user’s device or browser each time they access our Website and ultimately improve user experience.

Section 2 – Cookies we use and why

2.1.     The types of cookies used on this Website can be classified into one of three categories:

Type of cookiePurpose
Strictly necessaryThese cookies are essential for the operation of our Website as they help us provide basic features to users that are necessary for access to our Services. This includes technologies that allow us to identify the user accounts that are logged in, safely deliver our content and allow you to log in, make payment, make use of shopping carts and saved search. Our Website cannot function properly without the use of such cookies and thus you cannot deny them.
FunctionalityThese cookies allow the Website to remember the choices you make when using our Services in order to provide you with more personalised features. This includes remembering your preferred language, currency, region, any closed popup windows to prevent them from appearing again and any other preferences. Without these cookies, our Website will not work properly and you will not be able to use some or all of the above features.
AnalyticalThese cookies enable us to analyse the use of our Website and enhance the performance and functionality of our Services. They allow us to track error messages and loading times of certain parts of our Website, to identify bugs and to determine, in anonymous form, if you viewed a page and how many times in order to understand the popularity of certain pages. Without these cookies, we will not be able to monitor the performance of our Website and make it better for you.

2.2.     Analytical Cookies

2.2.1.  In some cases, we also use cookies provided by trusted third parties. Our Website uses Google Analytics which is one of the most widespread and trusted analytics solution on the web in order to help us understand how users use our Services and to provide us with ways that we can improve your experience. These cookies, that are stored on your device, may track, for example, how long you spend on the Website and the pages that you visit so that we can continue to produce engaging content. For more information on Google Analytics cookies, see the official Google Analytics page.

2.2.2.  Google Analytics is Google’s analytics tool that uses cookies that are stored on your device and that enable us to analyse your use of our Services. It may use a set of cookies to collect information and report Website usage statistics without personally identifying individual visitors to Google. The main cookie used by Google Analytics is the ‘__ga’ cookie. ‘_ga’ which enables a service to distinguish one user from another and lasts for 2 years. It’s used by any site that implements Google Analytics, including Google services.

2.2.3.  In addition to reporting Website usage statistics, Google Analytics can also be used, together with some of the advertising cookies, to help show more relevant ads on Google properties (like Google Search) and across the web and to measure interactions with the ads Google shows.

2.2.4.  Further information about Google Analytics can be found in the Terms of Service and Privacy Policies of Google.

Section 3 – Managing cookies

3.1.     Upon your first visit to our Website (or up until you accept the use of cookies), we ask for your consent to the use of cookies. You will be provided with a list of all the cookies we use and can accept all or some cookies, with the exception of strictly necessary cookies.

3.2.     There are several options available for managing your cookie preferences, depending on type of cookie and your device. See below a list of options:

3.2.1.  You can withdraw your consent to some or all the cookies you have accepted and/or delete some or all of them at any time via the settings of your browser. To do this, follow the instructions provided by your browser (usually found within their “Privacy" settings).

See below information about cookie settings for some of the browsers supported by the Website:

·         Google Chrome

·         Safari

·         Microsoft Edge

·         Internet Explorer

·         Mozilla Firefox

3.2.2.  Some browsers offer a Do not track (DNT) feature which send a request to websites not to collect or track your browsing data. See for example some information about DNT for the use of Google Chrome.

3.2.3.  Some mobile devices provide options to opt out of interest-based advertising or to otherwise reset your mobile identifier via their operating system. This is a unique identifier that can be used to identify a mobile device which works in a similar way to a cookie. For example, you may use the "Limit Ad Tracking" setting on iOS devices or the "Opt out of Interest-Based Ads" setting on Android devices which allows you to limit the tracking of information about your use of apps for interest-based advertising purposes.

3.2.4.  Alternatively, you can contact us at [email protected] and we can help you manage the use of cookies.

3.3.     Please note that even if you opt out of the use of cookies as described above, you may still receive some advertisements (e.g. third party or non-customised ads) when using our Services.

3.4.     Please note that you may not be able to use all of the features provided within our Website when you deny some or all of the abovementioned cookies. This may not provide you with the full experience as intended.

Section 4 – Amendments to this Policy

4.1.     We reserve the right to make changes to this Cookies Policy at any time, without prior notice and for any reason. The updated version of the Policy will be indicated by an updated “Revised” date and the updated version will be effective as soon as it is accessible. You are responsible for reviewing and becoming familiar with the Policy to stay informed of any updates.

Section 5 – Contact us

5.1.      If you have any questions about this Cookies Policy, please contact our Data Protection Office at [email protected].